Harriet the Spy

Monday, May 30, 2005

A little nostalgia, a little something new...

I haven't really written much about music on here, mostly because I think you need to hear it in order to discuss it. I always found it difficult to read music reviews without having heard the album. (Funny, considering I used to write them for my Jr. High paper...)

Anyway, here are two songs that have been making the rounds on the Powerbook lately:

"Special" - Garbage; a super-catchy late-90's favorite. Shirley Manson rocks. Normally, I'm not a lyrics person (because in most songs I can't really make them out), but I do like these.

"Jingle Jangle" - Hot Hot Heat; If you haven't heard this one yet, hopefully you will soon. Steve Bays' vocal hooks will get you for sure. This is off the new Hot Hot Heat release, Elevator. It's on the poppy side, but I like it. Good music to clean the apartment to.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Law Students--Common Sense in the Toilet?

So I am at school on a Saturday of my own free will. Never thought that would happen, but a pass/fail summer class one day a week seemed like less of an imposition than a graded 4-day-a-week class. But that's not really the point of this post. Recently, the law school has upgraded our bathrooms here, since they thought that would really be the best use of our tuition money. We now have automatic paper towel dispensers and auto-flush toilets. Except sometimes those fancy toilets just don't flush. What's a law student to do when confronted with an auto-flush toilet that doesn't know when to flush? Well, most of us would know to look for the little "flush" button, no? Apparently this is not a given. There was a sign in the bathroom today above the toilet stating, "If the toilet does not automatically flush, please push the 'Flush' button." It's not that I really have a problem with the sign, it's just that, if you got into law school, do you really need to be told that? Frankly, I felt a little insulted and perturbed. Not quite as perturbed as I was when I discovered the egregious waste of our tuition money, though. I mean, if they're going to spend that kind of money on fancy toilets I would hope that they would at least work!

Friday, May 27, 2005

My first Jai Alai injury....

And no, losing money doesn't count.

Went over to Jai Alai yesterday and caught the end of the matinee, which mom enjoyed very much, as did I--especially because we both won twice. I think I pocketed around $40, so it was definitely a good day. I figured that if I could consistently win $40 for 2 hours of "work," 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, this "summer job search" would become a whole lot less pressing.

Afterwards we met up with Stuart for dinner and then headed back over to the Fronton for our Jai Alai lesson. I must say that I was much improved over the last time we went on the court, and Chad even moreso. Perhaps if the whole filmmaker-by-day, sommelier-by-night gig doesn't work out for Chad, there may be a spot for him on the Ft. Pierce roster after all. I also got my first Jai Alai injury, courtesy of mom. While I was fiddling with my camera and not paying attention, she lobbed a wild one at the wall that wound up making contact with my left ring finger. It doesn't look so bad right now, but it was a little uglier last night. Don't worry--I'll live.

In other news, I must give a plug to my current favorite ass-fattening treat, delicious cheesecake ice cream with blueberries and pie crust mixed in from Coldstone Creamery. Apparently there is one opening in the Gables soon....good news for my mouth, bad news for my thighs. Sigh.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

"We had to ban it because of the children"

Hardcore teddy banned from bear parade

Oh, Reuters, with all of the politics, war, and human tragedy in the news these days, wherever do you find the time to cover such uplifting human interest stories?

No matter...I just hope "Baervers" finds a home where she can be truly appreciated.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Technology-schmology.....just make it work, damnit!

So I'm one of the many that has been caught in the AT&T-Cingular merger and have been told that if I "switch" to Cingular I can benefit from rollover minutes and free mobile to mobile calling. Well, that's all fine and dandy, but the catch is that you have to buy a new "Cingular" phone. I've had my current phone, a Sony-Ericsson t68i for nearly 3 years now and despite the fact that it isn't as "hip" as it used to be, it's hella functional. It has built-in Bluetooth, infrared, and international band functionality. No, it doesn't play cutesy songs, but I can hook it up to my Palm Pilot and check my e-mail from a cruise ship in the middle of the Aegean sea, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. Anyway, the point of my rant is that none of the current offerings from Cingular can do what my little phone can for less than $400. (And those phones are all big and bulky anyway). Why is it so difficult for these companies to grasp the fact that not everyone wants to take pictures on their phone? I have a super camera for that. I just want to have a cell phone that works where I want it to, and with whatever gadgets I'd like to pair it up with. (Maybe that's why I like my Mac so much--so functional without all the bullshit). In any event, the closest thing Cingular has is the Motorola V551, which doesn't have infrared. (But, luckily, Gomadic makes a cable that I can use to pair it with my Palm). Anyway, I may hold off for a while but I am curious if any of you have the V551 and what you think of it. Drop me a line in the comments section with your advice!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Brown, brown run aground....

Well, vacation time is over and I am definitely sad about that, but I had a fantastic time and I think our guests did as well. We lucked out and had great weather and managed to avoid the rain that I was told paid a visit to Miami on Saturday. Cap'n Chad also did a great job of driving the boat with the exception of missing the channel on the way in, which required a bit of "man power" to remedy (See above). Other than that, we managed to leave the Keys unscathed with the exception of several pesky mosquito bites on my feet and ankles.

In other news, the "Mary Fairy" (aka my mom) is in town for a few days to enjoy her mother's day present (2nd row tickets to see the Allman Brothers) and to do special mom-things like make the towels that have been sitting in my living room since exams get up and magically fold themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if she also alerted the kitchen elves that there are some dishes in the dishwasher just waiting to be placed in the cabinet. She is also excited to get the behind-the-scenes tour of Jai Alai that has been promised.

Anyway, not much else to report--just wanted to assure all (3) of my loyal readers that we were not lost to the sea or a similarly horrible stranding in Margaritaville.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Michael Bolton, Time Off, and dealing with Stupid People...

So you're probably wondering what these things all have to do with one another, huh? Well, nothing really.....I just haven't posted to this thing in a few days and need to catch up a little.

That said, I will address my points in true lawyerly fashion:

1. Michael Bolton: It's funny how hearing a song you haven't heard in a while will bring back memories. Sometimes not necessarily welcome memories. Well, lately my apartment building has been playing Michael Bolton non-stop in our lobby. I used to be quite the Michael Bolton fan when I was in fifth grade. (Yes, I know what you're thinking, and yes, you are right.....I was a total dork). I saw the Time, Love and Tenderness tour and by god I have the t-shirt to prove it. Hearing "Steel Bars" or some other such awful song brings me back to a place that I really don't want to go, however. I quite like the place that I am at in life right now (for the most part, anyway) and everytime I go to get my mail I am reminded of the goofy 11 year old that I once was. I don't appreciate it. So, Da Vinci apartment building manager, if you're reading this, please put the Gipsy Kings CD back on so I can check my mail again. Thanks.

2. Time Off: Thank god for that. Went to Jekyll Island, GA for the first time earlier this week courtesy of the always-thoughtful Stu and had a fantastic time. Am currently at Chad's place in the Keys where we will be joined by some of our fabulous friends this weekend for a little R&R. Planning on going out to the Looe Key reef on Saturday, so pray for good weather and well-maintained boat engines for us. If there are no posts here by next Tuesday, please alert the coast guard. Thanks.

3. Stupid people: Today's winners include Bank of America for cancelling my debit card for "suspicious activity" that I explained entirely to them (thereby forcing me to have to go to a banking center if I want any cash). UM Law comes in a close second for details I won't get into at this point. Argh. I can't deal with the frustration anymore, so I'll just leave it at that.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Rolling Stones, Palindromes, and other random thoughts...

Well, I'm done....at least for a few weeks anyway. The summer job hunt must begin in earnest now and I must admit that I'm not all that thrilled about it. However, I do have a couple prospects for some side income, which will be great if they pan out.

Unfortunately one of those prospects does not include being a fluffer on the upcoming Rolling Stones tour. Seeing as though tickets are going for upwards of four hundred dollars I imagine their staff (fluffers included) should be well compensated. Nah....who am I kidding? We all know Mick and Keith will be keeping that money for themselves. I know I won't be contributing, though. Having seen the Bridges to Babylon and No (Social) Security tours, I must say that (1) I would never see the Stones in an indoor venue again, and (2) The experience isn't worth more than about a hundred bucks.

On a completely unrelated note, Chad and I went to see Todd Solondz' new film, Palindromes, yesterday. I haven't really been to the movies much lately, but I will always go out of my way to see something by Solondz. (And when I mean out of my way, I mean, like 30 miles out of my way....to the one theater's one show time). Palindromes was definitely on the heavy side. Not really a good date movie unless you like to discuss issues like abortion, Christian fundamentalism, and pedophilia. But, nonetheless a very well done and thought-provoking film. The main character, Aviva, was actually played by something like 8 very different actresses. (In our post-film discussion Chad and I hypothesized that that choice was made so that the audience would focus on the character rather than the particular person playing the character....hmm). Anyway, I definitely recommend it if you are looking to see something a little different.

That is all. You may go back to searching the Internet for porn now.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What a day.....

Yesterday was something else. I had my four hour family law exam which was tons of fun. It was preceeded by yet another event that will remain in my memory the next time UM, or more specifically UM Law, calls me for a donation. I pay a lot of money to go to school at UM. I'm really not a leach of their facilities--as a matter of fact, I try to be there as little as possible. But, when I do desperately need to use something that my tuition pays for, I would appreciate it if it would fucking work! I had to print my outline and Florida Statutes for the exam, since we were allowed to use these on the test, so I showed up about 30 minutes early to go to the library and do just that. We have multiple printers at the law library--at least one on every floor if I am correct. Well, yesterday, during arguably the most important and stressful part of the year--exam time--the third floor printer was jammed, the second floor printer was offline, and the first floor printer was taking its good 'ol time printing someone's 100 page law review article front and back. Did I dare wait until my stuff decided to come out of the first floor printer? No, I ran over to the undergrad library and printed it there. Thanks to the efficiency of the UM law library, I showed up to the test at exactly 1pm. Grrr.

On a lighter note, after the exam was Chad's graduation dinner at Blue Door. Blue Door is at the Delano hotel, which apparently is one of the many South Beach hot spots where the "beautiful people" hang out. (And, if we were to believe our waiter, we were "beautiful" too...). The ambience of the restaurant was very interesting--sort of Haunted Mansion-esque, with long, flowing curtains, and fur covered couches. The place just screamed "orgy." The food was decent, too, but I was a little disappointed in my entree. My appetizer, the "crabavocat" was super, but my "marou cajou" (that's pretention-speak for black grouper in a brown butter sauce) was a little dry and the sauce a little on the salty side. Dessert made up for it, though. Overall, it was a very enjoyable evening and I think Chad really enjoyed his gifts. And my new Betsey Johnson dress was pretty hot too.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Stevie Wonder releases video for blind

I don't get it. (And apparently, neither does the person who wrote the article). How do you create a music video especially for blind people? I mean, doesn't narration kind of get in the way of the music? I don't imagine there would be much to say about a lot of what currently plays on MTV. And really, aren't the booty-shaking ho-bags better left to the imagination anyway?

Monday, May 09, 2005

I honked my horn in traffic today...

...and it felt good.

There are few things I hate more than driving in Miami. If you've ever spent any time here, I think you know what I mean. It seems like no one ever knows where they are going and they're certainly not in a hurry to get there. They play by different rules down here, too. Like, the rule where if you need to make a left turn, it's OK for 3 cars to run the red light in order to do it. It boils my blood.

Today I was following a red Miata in traffic. The people in the Miata were apparently tourists, since they felt the need to drive really slowly in the left lane. They also took their damn time to notice when lights turned green. I hate these people. I hate them almost as much as I hate the milfs who aren't paying attention because they're blabbing on their cell phone or yelling at their three brats in the back seat. I realize that they are on vacation--however, I am not and do not appreciate them getting in my way. Normally, I go around these people, which I did today. Yet, somehow, they managed to get back in front of me and resume their crawl down the road. So I tailed them and gave 'em a nice double-honk when they tried to stop and make a left turn in the middle of an intersection that had a separate turning lane. Welcome to Miami, fuckers.

I think I'm really beginning to understand road rage now. When you hear about people that attempt to shoot others in traffic, you automatically think they're nuts, right? Well, before you get up on your high horse, I suggest you spend a little time in Miami--trust me, you'll empathize. If you're down here long enough, you may even be able to empathize with OJ. Or not.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

5 Reasons why Law School sucks:

1. Exams on Sunday at 9am.
2. It is possible to attend nearly every class, have 31 pages of typed notes for said class, have done the reading in said class and still feel like you learned absolutely nothing and will fail miserably on the exam.
3. Grade in class = grade on final exam. Grade. Singular.
4. Mandatory curve, and not one in which everyone's grade is bumped up based on the difference between the highest grade received and the highest possible grade.
5. Did I mention exams on a Sunday??

Moral of the story: Don't go to law school. Law school sucks.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Serendipity is...

...my awesome, and totally-by-mistake trifecta at Jai Alai tonight.

Let me start out with a little background for those of you who aren't exactly up with what's been going on with my recent life. Chad and I have been going to Jai Alai for a little over a year now. At first it was just something for us to do. Then, he decided he wanted to make his thesis film about Jai Alai. So, we started going more often. (For those of you who are unaware, Jai Alai is one of the few sports that you can gamble on legally in Florida). I got better at the gambling the more we went, but I don't think I've ever hit a payoff of more than $50 or so. Well, tonight was the night, and entirely by mistake. I usually place my bets at the window, but tonight I was using one of the betting machines because we were there with a big group of people and it was just more convenient. Normally, I'm pretty good with technology, but I sort of screwed up at the betting machine. Chad and I were going to place our normal quinella box bets, and he also wanted a trifecta box of the same 3 numbers. Well, in making his bet for him, I screwed up and pushed the buttons to bet a $1 1-3-5 straight trifecta. So, being the good girlfriend that I am, I re-placed his box bet for those numbers ($6) and figured I would eat the $1 loss for my mistake. What a fortunate mistake it was. We both wound up hitting the trifecta for around $100 each, plus we won our quinella bets too ($18 each). It was fucking awesome.

To top it off, Stuart took us up to the simulcast box to watch the last match, which, I know now, is the only way to watch Jai Alai. Best seats in the house.

I really like Jai Alai, but in a way it kind of makes me sad, too. I wish I was around to see it in it's hey-day, when thousands of people would be in the audience rather than a few hundred. I'm really excited about Chad's film, though. If nothing else I hope it introduces a new audience to a really amazing and exhilarating sport.

And, now I don't feel so bad about buying those new jeans this week. Yea Jai Alai.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Now for something completely different....

In an attempt to see if people actually read this thing (and maybe create a slightly more interactive environment), I am taking a poll. Most of those social networking sites (Friendster, MySpace, etc) have spaces for you to list your favorite movies, books, TV shows, yada yada... Well, I want to know your favorite broadway musicals and/or plays. I know my friends are a cultured bunch, so c'mon, here's your chance to prove it.

Here are my top 5 (in alpha order, because I don't know if I could pick a #1):

1. A Chorus Line
2. Annie
3. Avenue Q
4. Kiss of the Spider Woman
5. Tommy

Leave yours in the comments section!


Not much exciting going on in Jillville today. I really need to get cracking on getting stuff done, though. However, instead of studying like I am supposed to be doing, I am cleaning up some graphics for Chad's film. (Which, should be awesome in case anyone is wondering). I don't mind doing it, it's just tedious. I also need to make a run to the tailor to get my dress taken in for the big graduation dinner. Nevermind that it has been sitting here for over a month....hopefully Nami will be able to fix it before the 11th. (BTW-- if you need an awesome tailor and live in Miami, drop me a line). Had a lovely (but late) evening with Stuart and his adorable doggies yesterday. We watched "Judgment at Nuremberg," which I guess could count as studying for comparative criminal law if you stretch your imagination a little. I was shocked to see how "pleasantly plump" Judy Garland was in that movie. Speaking of celebrities looking bad, check out Clapton from the Cream reunion. He's looking a little rough for 60. Wish I woulda been at the show, though.

Time to get back to work I suppose...

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

So now what happens when bums steal the carts?

Will this nifty item tell them what alley to find their crack in? I never imagined there would come a time when anyone would need GPS technology to navigate their way through the grocery store. It actually might be kind of useful....like, for those times that you need to find chipotle peppers in adobo and suddenly no one at Publix speaks English anymore. I just can't imagine my dad using one. Somehow I don't see these arriving at my Publix anytime soon...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Can you imagine the children??

I can't tell if he's happy or sad. Apparently, he still wants to marry 'ol crazy eyes. They're perfect for each other. Let's hope for the children's sake that she's sterile or he's impotent.

I'm so tired.....I haven't slept a wink....

But at least I don't have to think about UPA, RUPA, the RMBCA, or shareholder derivative suits for at least another year (provided I did get at least a C on the exam...). As an exciting reward for my half-assed attempt at studying this week, Chad and I spent the evening at Jai Alai taking a much deserved break. I won a whopping $33.60, which puts me up $75.40 since I started keeping track on March 25th. Yea me. Time for bed.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

"To cross out with lines or other markings; to annul or invalidate."

That would be the definition of cancelled. Or is it canceled? To my surprise and amazement, both are correct. Frankly, I don't understand the need for two correct spellings of "cancelled" (my choice of spelling). With the English language already in steady decline thanks to rappers and AOL IM, why increase the frustration of those of us who actually care if they're spelling something correctly? Argh.