Law Students--Common Sense in the Toilet?
So I am at school on a Saturday of my own free will. Never thought that would happen, but a pass/fail summer class one day a week seemed like less of an imposition than a graded 4-day-a-week class. But that's not really the point of this post. Recently, the law school has upgraded our bathrooms here, since they thought that would really be the best use of our tuition money. We now have automatic paper towel dispensers and auto-flush toilets. Except sometimes those fancy toilets just don't flush. What's a law student to do when confronted with an auto-flush toilet that doesn't know when to flush? Well, most of us would know to look for the little "flush" button, no? Apparently this is not a given. There was a sign in the bathroom today above the toilet stating, "If the toilet does not automatically flush, please push the 'Flush' button." It's not that I really have a problem with the sign, it's just that, if you got into law school, do you really need to be told that? Frankly, I felt a little insulted and perturbed. Not quite as perturbed as I was when I discovered the egregious waste of our tuition money, though. I mean, if they're going to spend that kind of money on fancy toilets I would hope that they would at least work!
Honey, wouldn't you rather the sign, than the residue if someone didn't know the button was there? Grrrross. But I completely and totally agree with you. Instead of remodelling our heinously un-conducive to studying Library, they put in new bathrooms. Sure, everybody poops, but they've ensured that nobody studies...and isn't that why we go to school in the first place? Because home is too distracting? Miami's not getting one red cent out of me when I'm actually making money...they'll just spend it on foamy soap and numbers for those unused cubbies in the "lounge," and I'd rather my money went to a worthwhile cause: The Wisconsin Alumni Foundation.
SuperBee, at 11:24 PM
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