Blogging to ya from the 813....
So I stayed with my friend Stu during Hurricane Wilma up in Weston and after 3 days of no power and increasing temperatures, I fled to Tampa like a lameass. According to my answering machine, my power returned on Friday, but I'm sure I would have been terribly bored at home all alone. Despite all of the inconveniences associated with the hurricane, I must say it wasn't all that bad. Lots of trees down (pictures will be forthcoming), but most of the homes in Stu's neighborhood did pretty well. Fantasy Fest was postponed to December 10th, which falls right in the middle of exams for me, but I'm still planning on being there. Unfortunately, the reschedule date doesn't work out for some of our guests, which really sucks. I got to spend some quality time with Chad up in Tampa, which was very nice, but I'm kind of freaking out about returning to school. I already feel like I am behind in some of my classes, plus, I have to take the MPRE this Friday, which I'm really not prepared for. Furthermore, I missed a week at work, so I'm really not happy about missing most of Friday for the damn test. ....deep breaths.....Valium.....Xanax.....something...please.....
Hey are you at Univ. of Miami for law school? Chris Matthews is there--maybe you've seen him already. You're a really good writer by the way--enjoyed reading your postings. And to answer your question, I did love Athens, but the shopping more than the ruins. I guess that makes me superficial. Oh well.
Jenny, at 5:01 AM
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