Time marches on...
In a little over 48 hours I will be done with the Hell that is the Florida Bar Exam. Where did June and July go?? Who knows.... I've been tense off and on for the past two weeks, so in true form, I'm sure I will catch a cold right after this is all over and just in time to be miserable on vacation. (This always seems to happen right before, during, or after an exam period). I've developed strange and unusual habits over these past two weeks, including chewing gum (which I never really do...but gosh, the flavor of Stride gum really *does* last a long time!) and compulsively touching my hair. I dunno....can you catch trichotillomania from too much bar exam studying? Maybe I can sue them for negligent infliction of emotional distress? God, this needs to be over with....
Good luck!!
Jason Lancaster, at 2:28 PM
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