What is it about certain people's voices that just put me to sleep? It doesn't matter what they're saying, or how interesting the topic is.....10 minutes into their speech/lecture/whatever, I am asleep. Case in point, Mr. Nash, my High School Calc teacher. Now, this may have had something to do with the fact that class started at 7:25 in the morning....who knows. But, 10 minutes into class I was sound asleep, only to awaken 30-40 minutes later and dig into my lunch (usually cold leftovers from some restaurant. I can't tell you how many strange looks I got chawing on cold veal marsala at 8:00 in the morning...). Amy Boyers, my abnormal psych professor from undergrad also had this affect on me. Good thing she taught straight from the book. Most currently, the Florida Facts man from the BarBri contracts lecture is the culprit. He's more effective than 10 mg of Valium when it comes to sedation. (Though his half life is much shorter--as soon as he finishes speaking, I seem to perk right up). Anyway, this is somewhat of a problem, seeing as though I actually care about learning this material. At least until July 27th, anyhow. Good thing we got a new coffee maker this weekend.
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